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Vision 2024

Welcome to home base for Vision 2024, where you can stay up to date about our capital campaign, including:

  • Our fund-raising goals and progress
  • The latest developments in our campus expansion
  • Pledging and/or making donations
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What We're Doing

St. Luke is expanding our facilities so that we can live fully into our vision to become a spiritual destination in North Texas.

We’re also steadfastly—and unapologetically—committed to living up to the “Community” in our name, which means rethinking how our facilities are currently set up to serve our community.

And we all know that to accomplish these goals, we must also meet the needs of our diverse congregation, which is continually growing. One of the most important elements of growth in any church is making sure we’re always innovating, especially in serving our children and youth.

How we’re going to Do It

  • Erect two modular buildings on our NextGen campus
  • Continue to make improvements to the Youth Center
  • Build a new building that accommodates:
    • A Community Commons
    • A lobby
    • Meeting space
    • Event space
    • A Children’s Ministry area (including early childhood development center)
    • General multipurpose space
  • Acquire assets for administrative offices and community empowerment activities

Did you Know?

What is a capital campaign and why are we conducting one?

A capital campaign is a fundraising effort aimed at upgrading, preserving and making needed repairs to our building to make it a safe and even more inclusive space for our ministry and community partnerships. This will be a $10 million campaign. The Leadership Team is working on identifying what the scope of work will cost.

Capital campaign gifts are generally “above and beyond” giving from regular tithes and offerings, which support the church’s ministries and day-to-day operations. Full participation by the congregation is important, especially to outside funders who want to see strong internal support.

Who is leading the campaign?

The steering committee is led by honorary co-chairs Pastor Emeritus Zan and Mrs. Carrie Holmes; co-chairs Vicki D. Blanton, Esq., Dr. Delanor Doyle, David and Tracey Huntley, Dr. Frederick and Linda Todd; and Dennis Coleman, our Generosity Chair.

"Why is it important to have 100% participation from the congregation in a capital campaign?"

When outside funders and donors see that a congregation has strong internal support, it indicates a well-run campaign where everyone is working together. Outside funders find it more compelling to donate when they see that kind of unity and enthusiasm.

How do I donate?

Every gift is important! You can donate anytime through Church Center (app or desktop version). Be sure to select “Vision 2024 Capital Campaign” from the “Fund” menu. If you need help, please contact Dennis Coleman, our Generosity Chair, at 214.924.5397 or [email protected].

If I make a pledge now, how long can I spread out my gift?

Timing for payments can be set up at the donor’s discretion through December 2027.

Is there anything else that I should know about the capital campaign that is important to share?

Yes! St. Luke’s annual economic impact in North Texas is $5,744,888! Everyone should be all in for this campaign to succeed.

How did St. Luke come up with $10 million?

In 2023 St. Luke engaged the services of Partners for Sacred Places to conduct a feasibility study (can St. Luke do it?) and HALO Study (St. Luke’s economic impact on its community and the city of Dallas). Based on the feasibility study, which included interviews (in person and virtually) with congregants and outside stakeholders, we concluded that St. Luke could safely raise $10 million for its capital campaign.

How did St. Luke come up with $10 million?

In 2023 St. Luke engaged the services of Partners for Sacred Places to conduct a feasibility study (can St. Luke do it?) and Halo Study (St. Luke’s economic impact on its community and North Texas). Based on the feasibility study, which included interviews (in person and virtually) with congregants and outside stakeholders, we concluded that St. Luke could safely raise $10 million for its capital campaign.

Who is Partners for Sacred Places and how did it become involved with the capital campaign?

St. Luke understood the need for professional support to embark on such an endeavor and searched for a firm that had experience in conducAng a capital campaign. But not just any campaign, a capital campaign for a church.

Partners for Sacred Places (“Partners”), founded in 1989, is the only national, non-sectarian, nonprofit organization focused on building the capacity of congregations of historic sacred places to better serve their communities as anchor institutions, nurturing transformation, and shaping vibrant, creative communities.

Partners and three other firms submitted proposals and were interviewed. Partners was selected by St. Luke’s Board of Trustees Chair, Generosity Chair, Finance Chair, Pastor Butler, Pastor Mayberry, the Vision 2024 Co-Chairs, and the Church Treasurer.

Gianfranco Grande, Partners’ Executive Vice President, is leading this capital campaign on Partners’ behalf. Gianfranco brings more than 25 years of experience in management of nonprofit organizations and capital campaign fundraising.

Who is the architect and who handles the rendering?

The architect is Charyl McAfee-Duncan, FAIA, with McAfee3 Architects, Inc. McAfee3 is a 100% African-American, female-owned architecture firm with headquarters in Atlanta, GA, and offices in Dallas, TX, and Wichita, KS. Founded in 1963 by Charles F. McAfee, FAIA, NOMA, the firm transitioned ownership in 2006 to Charyl and her sister Cheryl L. McAfee, FAIA.

When will the capital campaign begin?

The campaign has started. In 2023 St. Luke conducted its feasibility and Halo studies. The results shaped the $10 million campaign, and the Halo study results were shared with the congregation.

During the campaign’s silent phase, we endeavored to secure gifts.

On September 15, 2024, the campaign’s public phase began.

Do you have a minimum pledge amount?

No. This campaign is community-wide, and no sacrifice is too small. We are asking every St. Luke member to make a commitment to the campaign. To meet our goal, we are asking 2,000 members to commit in January 2025 to give at least $100 monthly to the campaign (above their regular giving) through December 2027.

How do I make a pledge?

To make a pledge, you can fill out an online pledge form on Church Center, or complete a paper copy of the pledge form, which you can get from Dennis Coleman, our Generosity Chair. Please contact him at [email protected] or 214.924.5397, and he will be happy to help you complete the form.

How can I get more information about the campaign?

If you have questions or need campaign materials, please contact Dennis Coleman, our Generosity Chair, at [email protected] or 214.924.5397.